We're taking on Cancer Council's The Longest Day...
...the ultimate golf challenge to complete four rounds of golf in one day!
We'll be testing our skill, strength, and stamina to raise funds for world-class cancer research that saves lives.
Please sponsor our team today as we tee off to make a difference! By working together, we can all play a part in reducing the impact of cancer for all Australians.
With your support, it's all of us against cancer.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Goldberg family

Allan Aquino

Levine family
Nice one Oak. I am sure you will get through the rounds. Great cause.

Shana Schreier-Joffe
A great cause and close to my heart. Go Jordy

Great effort! Great cause

Eli Lees
Go well Jakey. No doubt it’s for a good cause.

I am very proud of youn


Brigid Goldberg
Good golfing and have fun

Silver Boys


Miriam Belnick

Matt A
Fuck yeah bro!

Chloe Shaw

Kristine Reyes
Good on you Jakey!

Michael Sharp

Rene Sharp
Love You

Cassie Bebbington
Very important cause, proud of you Jakey ❤️

Jake K

Lees Daryl
Well done Jakey , play well 👍👍

Tim Troyanovsky

Daniel Shein
Go on Kurly!!

Steve Birchall

Ca Pillemer

Lynne Goldschmidt
Well Done Dane! Great work… remember Louis fondly🙏🌈

Laura Kampel Lees
I hope you raise lots of money and have fin too

Aamirah Sahib
Proud of you Jakey ❤️such a great cause

Ben Lewis
Onya Joff!!

Jake Lees

Proud of ya ❤️

Kaza and Glen
Proud of you Jakey!!! We’re good to double our donation for a hole in one… you can do it!!!



Jason Oshry

Proud of you!


Julia Sussman

Talia Miller
Proud sister. Get it, Jakey ⛳️




Taylor Joffe
Miss you

Daniel Berson

Barbara Joffe
Good luck !

i know you are doing this because you just want to play lots of golf, but its a great cause so good on you for getting around it

Jackie Miller
Well done Jake 👏🏼

Kris Holmes
Nice one, Jacob. You're the best, by par


Shaun Lonstein
Great initiative lads

Kai Goldberg
U better shoot under par

Jordan joffe

Ash and Dan

Go well hake x

Jonathan Etkind
You are a mensch

Tyler and Tarryn
Good luck

Huge effort Jakey, proud of ya!

Pam Etkind
So proud of you!! Such a good cause

Andrew Contos

Craig Miller

Alan Bortz
Great Effort Jordie - Enjoy the golf!

Joshua Jackson
Well done Daniel - great cause

Joshua Jackson
Love this, keep up the good work Abe

Joshua Jackson
Thank you for being a charitable man Jake. All the best

Joshua Jackson
Class effort Sharbe. Go you good thing

Joshua Jackson
Brilliant initiative. Bring it home.

Sasha Calmonson

Sappir Haikin

Keren Miller

Amy & Aron




zev etkind

Chloe Shaw

Danielle Kramer

Zac Wein
Go on Danneh!


Dale Borowsky

Harry & Amelia

Such a great cause!

Nina Brown
Thank you for advocating for this 🤍

Ryan C.

hey person i’ve never met before, love what ya doin

Sierra Afutu

Gil blackmailed me

Ava Warhaftig

Edan Amsalem

Edan Amsalem

Edan Amsalem

Darren Sacks
Good luck fam!


Aaron Silver
People always ask how can I earn this much bread. The answer is ticket sales anyone need drake tickets? Yes I am better than you. #StayHumble #Grinding #TopG #JustAChillGuy #Crypto

Kai Goldberg
All I can afford these days but its the thought that counts. Love you big bro you rock. Been looking up to you since day 1!!!!
Go Dane