LCR Team

Phillip Island Golf Club

We're taking on Cancer Council's The Longest Day...

...the ultimate golf challenge to complete four rounds of golf in one day!

We'll be testing our skill, strength, and stamina to raise funds for Cancer Council.

Because Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with two in three Australians diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70 and we want to help change this.

Please sponsor our team today, to make every hole count!

Thank you for your generous donation. Together, let's tee off for a cancer free future.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Robert Reineck


Marco Reineck

Good Luck Brother


Brett Wood

Good Luck Rob!


Amy Reineck

Donating in support of your endeavour to honour your mum and dad - two of the most amazing and beautiful people I ever met and lost far too soon from all our lives. Also donating on behalf of my Dad, one of the lucky ones still with us due to advances in early detection and treatment through research often funded by these types of causes.


Wayne Butcher


Quintin Gruhn

I admire your strength and courage to act upon something dear to your heart. All the best within the challenge. It will be tough mate. Go for it!


Yougesh Gunga


Simon Veltmeyer


Riyanka Juneja Saluja

Hi Robert, What you are doing is really amazing. All the bets for your performance. Riyanka


Mark Goulding

Good Luck mate - hope those hands don't blister! 😆


Anita B.


Tasha Colley




Sean Creek


Ian Body


Mel Puyo


Tony Costanzo (Andre’s dad)

Great cause Rob, have fun mate!


Michael Vance


Shane Matthews

Good cause



Good luck - will be a long day ;-)