Jerome Youkhana

I'm taking on Cancer Council's The Longest Day...

...the ultimate golf challenge to complete four rounds of golf in one day!

I'll be testing my skill, strength, and stamina to raise funds for Cancer Council.

Because Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with two in three Australians diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70 and I want to help change this.

Please sponsor me today, to make every hole count!

Thank you for your generous donation. Together, let's tee off for a cancer free future.

My Scorecard

Total Rounds






Thank you to my Sponsors


Brendan Jones

Good luck mate!!



Love you sugar tits



Go Jerome, you’ll be the best by par 😂


Karen Nicita

Way to go Piccolo !!


Jeni Amari

Thank you for your happy disposition. There are times that I have a bit down but mood is always lifted after you have greeted me with a lovely compliment. Enjoy your golf day. I hope you are not in too much pain after. 🙏🏻


Loren & Summer

Good luck, love Loren & Summer


Gail White

Good luck😉