Creso Crazies


We're taking on Cancer Council's The Longest Day...

...the ultimate golf challenge to complete four rounds of golf in one day!

We'll be testing our skill, strength, and stamina to raise funds for Cancer Council.

Because Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with two in three Australians diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70 and we want to help change this.

Please sponsor our team today, to make every hole count!

Thank you for your generous donation. Together, let's tee off for a cancer free future.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Jed Lewis


Crescent Head Country Club

Well done to everyone involved! Congratulations to Pood Murphy on the hole-in-one from Crescent Head Golf Courses legendary 2nd hole!


Crescent Head Tavern

Well done lads, great effort. Cracking shot from Poody with hole in one on the 2nd (top tee as well).


Crescent Head Community Donations

Donations from the community from the 'bucket on the bar' for our golf day. Legends everyone who chipped in (pardon the pun)!


Creso Crazies Team

Player donations - these 8 legends got through the day and this is their donation from their entry cost!


Regenr8 Biodiversity Solutions

Go got'em lads!


GJ Gardner Homes



John Debrincat

Hope you are taking plenty of balls!


Phil & Anita H

You’re a legend, P1. Will miss you at WCCT.


Crescent Head Tavern


Boambee Discount Drug Store

Great cause Jonno! Good luck! Paula & Jon


fi and pete


Gary Williams


Penny & Paul Gray


Steve Pellen

Well done Creso Crazies!! Inspirational Pood!!


Kaz wl

Woohoo.. great job 👏👏


AJ Craig